About me

I am a 3rd year PhD student at Université Grenoble-Alpes since November 2020. I am from southwest of France, did my undergraduate degree in Bordeaux (Prépa des INP), and then moved to Grenoble to study computer science and applied mathematics (Ensimag). Besides my research project, I enjoy what Grenoble has best to offer: snowboarding, hiking, beautiful mountain lakes, and a lots of sport, cultural and musical events! My thesis is supervised by Thomas Burger from EDyP Lab and Nelle Varoquaux from TIMC, TrEE@CompBio group.

My research project

I am developing new methods for missing data imputation in high-dimensional proteomics datasets, with transcriptomics integration. This project occupies most of my time, and has many challenging aspects. For example, missing values in proteomics are known to be Missing Not at Random. In this context, it means that the lower the values is, the likelier it is to be missing, which makes them even harder to infer. Also, the huge dimensionality of proteomics datasets really hampers multivariate approaches.

I am also involved in a project on proteomic biomarker discovery, led by David Pérez, a PhD student from EDyP Lab, and another project on absolute protein quantification with Mass Spectrometry.

I am globally interested in machine learning, statistical tools and concepts that enable to extract knowledge from large omics datasets, and am looking for a Post-Doctoral position outside of France in this area.

Commitment to diffusion of science

During the two first years of my PhD, I launched and was in charge of the MIAI PhD club. The MIAI is an institute in Grenoble that funds PhD thesis related to Data Science and AI. I co-organised two workshops on AI that brought together PhD Students from all the AI institutes in France, and some presentations/lunch sessions for MIAI PhD students. I also gave tutorials in mathematics and statistics at Université Grenoble-Alpes and at Ensimag.